Introducing my new newsletter: Saturday Stuff

Hey - I’m Kristian. I’m a software developer and developer advocate at Cloudflare.

This is my newsletter. You might have signed up at some point in the past if you were interested in web development, including developer conferences or my YouTube channel.

On Saturday, I’ll be sending the first issue of my new newsletter, Saturday Stuff. Here’s the pitch:

The newsletter for developers who are secretly curious about everything. Five hand-picked discoveries every other week, from AI agents to life hacks.

I’ll share a few things I found interesting since the start of the new year — AI Agent frameworks, a great way to do a yearly review of 2024, and some health/goal setting stuff I found particularly useful over the past few weeks.

If that sounds cool — no need to do anything. You’ll get the first issue in a couple days. And I’d love your feedback on it, too: once you’ve read it, feel free to reply and I’ll see your feedback directly!

But if you aren’t interested and were on this list in the past, feel free to unsubscribe. No hard feelings!

Thanks, and happy New Year.